Systematic comparison of trip distribution laws and models
1 Short description
The main purpose of the TDLM
package is to provide a rigorous framework for fairly comparing trip distribution laws and models, as described in Lenormand et al. (2016). This general framework relies on a two-step approach to generate mobility flows, separating the trip distribution law, gravity or intervening opportunities, from the modeling approach used to derive flows from this law.
2 Install
package can be installed with the following command in an R session:
From the CRAN
or from GitHub
# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("EpiVec/TDLM", build_vignettes = TRUE)
3 Tutorial
A tutorial vignette is available here.
4 Dependencies
depends on the following packages: Ecume
, mathjaxr
, Rdpack
, readr
, rmarkdown
, and sf
Additionally, TDLM
requires Java to function properly. Please ensure that Java is installed and correctly configured on your system.
5 Citation
Lenormand M (2023) TDLM: An R package for a systematic comparison of trip distribution laws and models. Journal of Open Source Software 8, 5434.
Please feel free to open an issue if you encounter a problem with the package.